Tuning your goals for a successful year

Tuning your goals for a successful year.
First, make a list of things you are proud of achieving in the past year.
We are often demanding with ourselves, and we don’t emphasize enough the importance of giving ourselves credit for our small victories. Ask yourself the question: What are you celebrating?
What I’m celebrating this month:
I’m afraid of public speaking, height, and being underwater. This year, I can say that I made baby steps towards conquering my anxieties:
- I gave a speech about entrepreneurship and starting my business in China in front of 30 people.
- I hiked on the Greatwall of China off the beaten path, and escalated broken towers despite my vertigo.
- I got my open water diving certificate, although I tried to give up on the second day and hide from my instructor. My excuse was, that I had asthma and respiratory anxiety during my whole childhood up to teenage.
What I learned from these experiences is that “You are not your fears, and your fears do not define who you are.”
They are just thoughts in your mind.
Jumping out of your comfort zone, may provide much relief and boost your confidence.
Share your achievement with your friends, your partner, your family, and make it a celebration!
Second, make a list of goals for this year: What are your intentions and priorities?
You may want to meditate a few minutes beforehand to clear your mind and connect with yourself.
During a coaching session last year, executive coach Dalida Turkovic suggested me to make S.M.A.R.T goals. Your goals should be:
- Specific
- Measurable
- Achievable
- Relevant
- Time-Bound
- I want to speak Spanish fluently, with enough vocabulary and listening comprehension
- I will be able to have a 10 minutes conversation with a Spanish person
- 5 new words each day
- I will spend 10 minutes each day using podcasts
- 5-August 2015
I like to make a drawing to symbolize your purpose. Use color pencils if you have some! I would frame the drawing and place it above my desk or keep it in my wallet as a reminder. This is also a nice and fun activity to share with someone special.
Good luck with your endeavors, be kind to yourself and keep in mind: