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Wellness Activities


Dates: Sun­day, Sep­tem­ber 14

Time: 15:00–16:30

Loca­tion: Kocoon

Facil­i­ta­tor: Bego­nia Read her biography

Price: 50rmb | per­son– Cash Pay­ment Only

What to wear: Some­thing com­fort­able. You will also need to take off your shoes.

We rec­om­mend each par­tic­i­pant to arrive at least 15 min­utes in advance, to relax and set­tle. In order to ensure the qual­ity of the med­i­ta­tion envi­ron­ment and for respect of all the partici­pants, we will not be able to accept late arrivals.  If pos­si­ble, please do con­firm by email that you will join, or book directly through Kocoon.

Read our Reiki Q & A

What is a Reiki Share? 



Facil­i­ta­tor: Begonia

Tim­ing: Please call us to make an appoint­ment. Ses­sion usu­ally on evenings ay 8pm.

Treat­ment Fees: 250 RMB –Cash Pay­ment Only

What to wear: Com­fort­able clothes. You will need to take off your shoes.

A Reiki ses­sion typ­i­cally lasts for about an hour and can be for spe­cific con­di­tions of gen­eral well being. The prac­ti­tioner and client first dis­cuss the treat­ment. Then the client either lies down or sits com­fort­ably with a straight back. The prac­ti­tioner typ­i­cally lays hands on or near the main energy cen­tres of the body, from the top of the head down­wards, chan­nelling the energy for treat­ments of those areas.

Each Per­son senses the Reiki energy dif­fer­ently, but often the client expe­ri­ences relax­ing and nur­tur­ing sen­sa­tions of warmth in the areas being treated. The more you relax  dur­ing the ses­sion the more you will get out of it.

Once the treat­ment is com­plete, the client and prac­ti­tioner dis­cuss the treat­ment and look into any fur­ther ques­tions that may arise.

Before the Treatment—How to Prepare

No spe­cific prepa­ra­tions are needed, but clients are advised to wear loose and com­fort­able cloth­ing. They are also advised to abstain from stim­u­lants or seda­tives, such as alco­hol, prior to the treatment.

How Many Ses­sions Do I Need?

The fre­quency and num­ber of ses­sions will depend on the client and what they want to address in their ses­sions. For clients inter­ested in gen­eral well-being, one ses­sion every two weeks is often a good fit.

NB: A Reiki treat­ment is not a mas­sage but an energy therapy.

  • Post author
    Maika Endo