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Expert and Clean Wax­ing along with Amazing Ser­vice at Kocoon Spa Beijing for Men and Women

  • We have been waxing for more 10 years! Receive the best wax­ing per­for­mance with our expe­ri­enced cer­ti­fied tech­ni­cians fol­low­ing a strict protocol and quality control.
  • Hygiene is our pri­or­ity: We open an indi­vid­ual tool pack­age in front of the cus­tomer, con­tain­ing metal imple­ments that have been ster­il­ized under strict super­vi­sion in a con­trolled and ded­i­cated area, and all dis­pos­able items are dis­carded after each use. 
  • Our wax is flown into China from Australia! We have selected the pre­mium qual­ity imported prod­uct line Lycon. We pur­chase our prod­ucts through their autho­rized and exclu­sive dis­trib­u­tor. We chose this international brand because it is the pioneer in its industry for over 30 years, and the product has been specially formulated for sensitive skin- using aromatherapy and a unique Titianium Dioxyde technology.
  • Warning to clients and non-clients: Some salons or home delivery services use similar, cheaper products from local e-stores to cut costs. Make sure to ask which brand they are using to avoid any risk of allergies or burn. Please also make sure to check that the technician does not double dip the spatulas when waxing your bikini, to prevent any risk of cross-contamination. These risks exist and can be avoided by being assertive. In any case, if the prices are very low and the hygiene standards look suspicious, run away!
  • We guarantee 100% satisfaction. 

     First time visitor 

    Are you afraid of wax­ing for the first time? To give you peace of mind, we have pre­pared a Wax­ing FAQ for you.

    You'll also enjoy 20% off your first waxing service at Kocoon spa to reward you for making that first step!  (Please click link for terms and conditions) 


    Prod­ucts used depend­ing on areas waxed:

    1. Gold strip wax: Con­tains the sooth­ing ben­e­fits of Chamomile and the finest grade of gold Micro Mica, for extra gen­tle wax­ing and no skin drag.
    2. Rose hard wax: Con­tain­ing chamomile and rose, the creamy wax is excep­tional for sen­si­tive areas — per­fect for Brazil­ian waxing!

    3. Post waxing: To heal and moisturize your skin after waxing, we apply cold pressed sweet almond oil which is known to be rich in protein and vitamins. For the bikini area, we apply an anti-bacterial tea trea cream to prevent ingrown hair. 


     Service  Ladies   Gentlemen
    Full Legs (toes included, bikini area excluded
    Upper Legs (knees included, bikini area excluded)
    Lower Leg (toes & knees included)
    Full Arms (fin­gers & elbows included)
    Half Arms (fin­gers & elbows included)
    Back & Shoul­der Blades
    Chest & Stomach
    Upper Lip
    Full Face
    Cheeks or under­arm or Chin
    Eye­brow trimming
    Eye­brow waxing
    Ears 160rmb 180rmb
    Nipples 130rmb 160rmb

     Related reading: Men's Health: How to Get Rid of Ear Hair 


    Bikini Wax­ing — Ladies Only

    We use a top qual­ity imported pink hot wax that shrink wraps the hair, mak­ing the pro­ce­dure almost pain­less. Con­tain­ing Chamomile and Rose, the creamy wax is excep­tional for extra sen­si­tive areas — per­fect for Brazil­ian waxing!

    Kocoon’s stan­dards of bikini waxing:

    1. Our tech­ni­cian wear dis­pos­able gloves dur­ing this service.
    2. We do not double-dip spatulas.
    3. We open an indi­vid­ual tool pack­age in front of the cus­tomer, con­tain­ing metal imple­ments that have been ster­il­ized under strict super­vi­sion in a con­trolled ded­i­cated area.
    4. All dis­pos­able items are dis­carded after each use.

      Basic Bikini Line | 190rmb

      Hair is removed from out­side the panty line.

      Brazil­ian | 315rmb

      Leaves a ver­ti­cal strip in front. Hair is not removed from the labia. Hair may be removed from the peri-anal area .

      Play­boy | 330rmb

      All hair is removed from labia, all hair may be removed from the peri-anal area, and only a very nar­row strip is left in the front.

      Sphinx | 325rmb

      It’s all taken off. Every­where. Every­thing. Bald.

      Betweeny Wax | 125rmb — 175rmb

      As an exten­sion of a bikini wax | 120rmb

      Hair is removed from the peri-anal area.

      Bot­tom | 150rmb

      Waxing package

      Kocoon mini wax & spa package   650 rmb

      (Any kind of body wax +45 mins body massage)

      Pinkini bikini whitening package   680 rmb

      (Pinkini skin cleaning +apply pinkini re-waxing oil pinkini waxing

      +pinkini mask +pinkini whitening serum+pinkini finishing lotion)