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Straight Bamboo clinic reopens

 A Unique Blend of Eastern Medicine with a Western Perspective

Straight Bamboo TCM Clinic is open 5 days a week for acupuncture and related treatments.

& Individualised and personal treatment with a focus on holistic health, effective communication

& information for English speakers

& Treatment and assistance designed to help you understand your imbalance and what you can do about it using Chinese medicine dietary therapy, Qigong, positive psychology and daily rhythms

& Acupressure, Moxibustion, Cupping, Gua-sha & Massage

& Lifestyle Consultation - How to gain greater health & happiness using ancient Chinese health knowledge - for people who want to increase health awareness and discover balance through positive interventions.

Clinic locations & times:

The Hutong -

Sunday               9am-6pm

Monday               8am-7pm

Tuesday              8am-6pm

Wednesday         8am-6pm

Thursday             8am-6pm

Price: 250rmb for 60 minute treatment/consultation

Kocoon spa lounge and elixirs@ The Opposite House -

Monday            8am-11am

Tuesday            8am-10am

Wednesday        8am-10am

Thursday           8am-10am

Price: 350rmb for 80 minute treatment/consultation

Note: For any cancellation within 24-hours of an appointment, cancellation fee of 100rmb applies Call or email Alex Tan for appointments and more information: 



Phone: 150 115 103 63

Upcoming Events:

August 11th - FREE talk on how to use Chinese medicine to stay healthy and align yourself with your true destiny

August 18th - Eat Sleep Breathe workshop - Alex's most comprehensive TCM preventative health workshop For 'Metaphysics Walks' that run every other day

Alex Tan has a degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and has been studying and practicing TCM for more than 8 years. Alex has also been practicing Qi Gong for more than fifteen years. With a keen interest in TCM and preventative health practices, Alex traveled to China where he has been living and working for the past five years. He has learnt much about modern theory and clinical TCM in the hospital systems as well as immersing himself in ancient traditions embodied in the lifestyles and culture of the everyday Chinese people. Alex is well aware of the problems associated with modern TCM in the hospital system in China and aims at providing a more holistic and personal style of healthcare focusing on effective communication and information. Alex promotes modern health care approaches where the practitioner and client create a health and wellness partnership. Alex provides ongoing professional assistance using treatments, information and positive interventions giving each of his clients ample time and space, guiding them to choose the best way forward.

Alex believes the true treasures of Chinese medicine lie in its greater focus on holistic health combined with western natural health concepts, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, body work, counseling and lifestyle practices.  The key focus of this approach is not only to assist the healing process through TCM treatment, but also learning how we can live in accordance with nature to avoid illness and disease. The wisdom of the ancient Chinese can greatly assist this understanding of ourselves and our environment, so that we can use this knowledge in a practical way to adapt our lifestyles to be happier, more fulfilled and more productive.

The aim is to help you discover the transformative powers of Eastern Health practices for restoring and maintaining balance, health and happiness.

The point of health is that you get to enjoy the life that you desire and deserve — whether it’s enjoy­ing qual­ity time with your fam­ily, work­ing solidly towards your career ambi­tions, or engag­ing whole heart­edly with your community.

This is about cre­at­ing the best pos­si­ble envi­ron­ment for your life to start click­ing into place.  You’ll find your­self work­ing with life’s chal­lenges more pos­i­tively, ful­fill­ing your true des­tiny, and even­tu­ally leav­ing a mean­ing­ful legacy… this is the human condition.

Alex’s goal is just the same as yours — to get you to the place where you have the vibrancy and energy to be who you want to be, to do what you want to do… To pur­sue your dreams!

Straight Bamboo TCM Clinic @ The Hutong & Kocoon

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Recommended readings for your health and wellness

 Title Author Comment Comment
Nourishing Traditions Sally Fallon with Mary G. Enig, Phd The cookbook that challenges politically correct nutrition and the diet dictocrats. This is my bible for a more healthy, conscious, mindful cooking and eating. Inspiring and delightful! It's a must for your own sake, for your present and future children!  To all future generations…
Eating Animals Jonathan Saffron Foer Documentary written by a contemporary writer, young father and activist, about the factory farming industry. It made me become vegetarian for a year and a half, until I understood, this will not be a sustainable solution. It definitely opened my eyes on something usually we don't want to know or see. I became a more " conscious" meat eater.
The Sun Magazine Ad-free periodical newspaper, rich in interviews of inspiring activists, essays, short stories and poems. Personal. Provocative. Political. I love it! I keep every issue and it makes me want to research and learn more about each topic, it deepens my understanding of human being with all its complexities.
Listen Your Body The Wisdom of the Dao Bisong Gou An illustrated guidebook to the wisdom of Chinese traditional medicine. The principles of Chinese medicine and its philosophy are made very easy to understand and to follow. A great guide to a more proactively healthy  lifestyle!
The Vortex Esther and Jerry Hicks Self-development The law of attractions governing the universe…discover how to attract more of what you want, and let go what you do not want. This book will provide you with spiritual guidance and an original and new perspective! Definitely empowering. Check out the videos of their seminars on youtube.
Wise Traditions in Food, Farming, and the Healing Arts The Weston A. Price Foundation's quarterly journal "Dedicated to exploring the scientific validation of dietary, agricultural and medical traditions throughout the world. It features illuminating and thought-provoking articles on current scientific research; human diets; non-toxic agriculture; and holistic therapies."
Dr Douglas Report "Real Health News from Medicine's Most Notorious Myth-Buster". You can suscribe to their free newsletter from their website.

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Losing weight in a healthy way

In July, Kocoon’s Well­ness Hub will be bring­ing peo­ple together around health & wellness to empower them in becoming healthier, stronger, and happier...

Losing weight in a healthy way

Thursday July 9@Kocoon spa

Lokmane will share with you simple, safe and efficient ways on how to lose weight in a healthy way, using herbal tea, herbal medicine, soup and Qi Gong.
Thursday ​July 9, 10:30am - 12:30pm
Facilitator: Lokmane Benaicha, Chinese medicine therapist and health coach
Cover: 200rmb - Cash payments only

  • Space is lim­ited, book your spot now!
  • Wechat: Kocoon_spa
  • Email: com­mu­nity

About the practitioner:

Hailing from France, Lokmane Benaicha has lived in China Beijing for more than 10 years. He graduated from Beijing Chinese Medicine University (5 years studies in Chinese) and Beijing University with a Master degree on Chinese Philosophies (3 years studies in Chinese).

Lokmane Benaicha is a Chinese medicine therapist and health coach, but also a practitioner and teacher of meditation, Qi Gong, Yi Jing- The Book of Changes and the three Chinese wisdoms - Daoism, Confucianism and Buddhism.
Lokmane Benaicha speaks and teaches in French, English and Chinese, and he enjoys sharing the wonders of traditional Chinese culture with people.

Kocoon Wellness Hub program

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How to Use Chinese Herbs to Manage Cold & Flu

In July, Kocoon’s Wellness Hub will be bringing people together around health & wellness

"How to Use Chinese Herbs to Manage Cold & Flu

Thursday July 23

Ever wanted to know how to use all those Chinese medicines on the shelf in the local pharmacy? How does herbal medicine work? Why is Chinese herbal medicine different to other forms of herbal medicine? In this introduction to Chinese herbs we will examine a brief history of herbal medicine and the development of herbal theory, tastes, actions and more. From a practical point of view, we learn how to identify common patterns for colds and flu and buy the most suitable patent medicines from the local pharmacy. Alex introduces his Beijing Cold & Flu book that can guide you in this process. Timing: 11:00am - 12:o0pm Venue: Kocoon spa Facilitator: Alex Tan, Chinese medicine therapist and health coach Cover: FREE - Space is limited, book your spot now!

 The Beijing Cold & Flu Book

The Easy to Use Guide of Prepared Chinese Herbal Medicines to Treat Cold & Flu

After 10-years in China as a qualified Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Educator, Alex addresses one of the most common questions he gets in an easy-to-use self guide. That is: What Chinese herbs do I buy when I have a Cold & Flu?

Like the answer to most Chinese questions, including Chinese medicine... it depends! Alex's engineering and modern science background sensed he must be able to create a simple guide for people to be self sufficient in treating such a common condition like cold & flu. He began working on this project back in 2013 and with a skill in understanding and translating ancient health wisdom, then delivering it in a structured modern way - here is the final product. This book gives you the best chance of getting through a cold & flu as quickly and effectively as possible, or even avoiding the cold & flu all together.

Packed full of other information: ingredients; tips and notes on each formula; how to understand Cold & flu from a Chinese Medicine perspective as well as traditional remedies and more

This book is designed with the modern international person in mind. For those of you who are interested in Chinese Medicine and looking for a practical way to better your understanding, this book can be very useful. If you’re currently living in a Chinese city, and are keen to know how you can use Chinese herbal medicine to help you manage one of the most commonly experienced medical conditions - cold and flu - then this book is definitely for you!

 About Alex Tan

Alex Tan has a degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and has been living and working in Beijing since 2005. Many years prior to formal study, Alex’s engineering background and fascination with Western Science at the highest level led him to relational ideas in ancient Eastern philosophy. This connection and realization inspired him to eventually see life and health through the lens of Chinese medicine. Alex’s talent lies in understanding and translating ancient health wisdom, then delivering it in a structured modern way.

Read more about Alex Tan

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