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About us

Mis­sion Statement

Founded in Bei­jing in 2008, Kocoon is a bou­tique day spa for men and women cre­ated from the shared pas­sion of mother and daugh­ter. With us, you can enjoy facials, mas­sages, body care, and expert wax­ing ser­vice. We also offer oppor­tu­ni­ties for learn­ing and self-development through workshops.

We design each treat­ment the way we would wish to receive it: With love, with atten­tion to detail and given in a peace­ful, friendly and clean environment.

We con­tinue to try and hand-select every prod­uct we offer you. Expect only pre­mium prod­ucts that are fruit, plant or marine-based. No petro­leum or mineral-derived ingredients!

“Keep­ing your body healthy is an expres­sion of grat­i­tude to the whole cos­mos — the trees, the clouds, every­thing.” Thich Nhat Hanh


The Well­ness Hub

Kocoon spa has been serv­ing as a plat­form for shar­ing and learn­ing for more than 8 years, for the local and expat com­mu­nity in Bei­jing. We have orga­nized and co-hosted over 100 work­shops and events with over 40 inspir­ing prac­ti­tion­ers from around the world.

We have cov­ered top­ics such as mind­ful­ness, past life regres­sion, Reiki, tarot cards, Sekhem, maya cal­en­dar, pen­du­lum, Chi­nese med­i­cine, make up, fash­ion, veg­e­tar­i­an­ism, raw food, crys­tal heal­ing, Thai mas­sage, intu­itive mas­sage, NLP, Nia, Gyro­ton­ics, tea, cof­fee & honey, yoga & live music, lotion bar mak­ing, lip balm mak­ing, soap mak­ing, men­tal health, flo­ral crowns, Per­sian car­pets, con­tem­po­rary art and more!

Would you like to share what you do? If you are a prac­ti­tioner in well­ness, health or healing arts, and would like to host a work­shop or give ses­sions, please con­tact us!
