KOCOON is, mother and men that has been created from the passion for the daughter of the spa, a boutique spa for the ladies. To everyone, not only treatments of facials, body massage, nail care and depilatory wax, but also various therapy such as yoga, meditation, acupuncture treatment by traditional medial medical law etc. without taking various therapy and healing effect for health care etc We propose it as a part and we are proposing opportunities for self-development to ourselves through workshops by experts who we trust.
We strive to respond to the needs of the treatment desired by each customer, so that we can continue to respond to the needs of the treatment that is required, from day to day efforts, together with meticulous care, in a clean space, We are proud to offer you a heartfelt service.
By using high-quality base products of fruits, plants, marine (ocean), avoid using petroleum-based mineral oil, products containing chemical ingredients, use of carefully selected products that are effective for everyone's body and effective I am keeping in mind.
We are looking forward to welcoming you so that you can relax and relax both mentally and physically while experiencing new energy and spirit revival.
Maiko Endo, Miyuki Maeda
Founder of Kocoon Spa