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Our mas­sages use Ele­men­tal Herbology’s pre­mium qual­ity car­rier oils blended with essen­tial oils. It begins with a gen­tle sea salt foot cleanse or sugar scrub blended with sea­sonal herbs and spices.

Our favorite: Kocoon spa’s Sig­na­ture Massage

Pres­sure: Medium to firm (rec­om­mended for knots)

This aromatherapy-enhanced mas­sage blends cus­tomized essen­tial oil infu­sions with warm herbal com­presses, heated stones and skill­ful ther­a­peu­tic tech­niques to deliver the ulti­mate mas­sage expe­ri­ence. This treat­ment draws from both East­ern and West­ern mas­sage tech­niques to help bal­ance body and mind.

We rec­om­mend:

  • Wood for Rejuvenation
  • Fire for Zest
  • Earth for Balance
  • Metal for Detoxification
  • Water to Clarity

90min — 990rmb, 60 min — 695rmb

Kocoon’s Athlete’s Massage

Pres­sure: Medium to firm (rec­om­mended for knots)

This mas­sage is the Kocoon Sig­na­ture Mas­sage, but with the use of both hot stones and cold stones to stim­u­late the cen­tral nerve sys­tem and improve the cir­cu­la­tion of the red and white blood cells. Per­fect for after sports or for those with local­ized tension.

90min –990rmb, 60min — 695rmb

Lym­phatic Drainage Massage

Pres­sure: Medium to strong

This mas­sage uses con­trolled pres­sure on dif­fer­ent areas of the body and essen­tial oils to stim­u­late the blood cir­cu­la­tion and assist the body elim­i­nate tox­ins and excess fluid. We use a sen­sual infu­sion of Frangi­pani, Jas­mine, Man­darin and Tuberose blended with Sweet Almond, Pome­gran­ate, and Jojoba for a healthy and glow­ing com­plex­ion. Warn­ing: This mas­sage is not rec­om­mended if you are sen­si­tive to pressure.

90min — 745rmb

Cat Nap Massage

Pres­sure: Light to medium

This relax­ing mas­sage uses long flow­ing strokes for ulti­mate relax­ation and is per­fect if you would like to fall asleep dur­ing your mas­sage. The gen­tle infu­sion* of Man­darin, Rose Dam­a­s­cena, Neroli and Laven­der flower will help soothe your mind and reduce anx­i­ety, while the Sweet Almond, Peach Ker­nel, Coconut and Jojoba oils will reduce skin’s dry­ness and flaky skin.

*This infu­sion is very gen­tle, blended at 1% and rec­om­mended for preg­nant women in the 3rd and 2nd trimesters to soothe body and mind, and alle­vi­ate stretch marks.

90min — 745rmb, 60 min  — 558rmb

Detox­i­fy­ing Hot Stone Massage

Pres­sure: Light to deep

Water-heated round vol­canic stones anointed with sen­sual aro­mas are used to mas­sage before being applied to key points on the body, which cor­re­spond to energy cen­ters and cre­ate sen­sa­tions of com­fort and warmth.

For your body infu­sion, choose between the sen­sual Lym­phatic Drainage blend and the sooth­ing Cat Nap blend.

90 min — 800 rmb




Tra­di­tional Chi­nese medicine-inspired ther­a­pies with a sooth­ing touch from Kocoon

“Grace-ful Chi­nese Massage”

Per­formed by our TCM expert

This ther­a­peu­tic mas­sage uses Tra­di­tional Chi­nese Med­i­cine (TCM) tech­niques and ben­e­fits from TCM’s under­stand­ing of the con­nec­tions between dif­fer­ent mus­cle groups and the flow of energy through the body. The ses­sion will help loosen tight and sore mus­cles, ease chronic sore areas and reduce stress. The treat­ment focuses on improv­ing cir­cu­la­tion, help­ing your body nat­u­rally digest tox­ins and counter prob­lems such as jet lag, back and shoul­der pain, and headaches. The mas­sage uses a vari­ety of strokes along energy chan­nels, gen­tle shak­ing and stretch­ing and joint stimulation.

90min — 800rmb, 60min — 600rmb

Scrap­ing | “Guasha” with Aromatherapy

Espe­cially rec­om­mended for stiff neck, acute and chronic back pain, shoul­der pain, and leg pain

The treat­ment involves repeat­edly scrub­bing the sur­face of the skin in key areas of the body with a tor­toise­shell comb. Scrub­bing helps to dredge the body’s merid­i­ans, acti­vate the flow of Qi, remove old blood and tox­ins, reg­u­late the inter­nal organs and boost the immune sys­tem. Scrub­bing usu­ally has a very quick effect on painful dis­or­ders, such as stiff neck, acute and chronic back, shoul­der and leg pain.

50min — 420rmb

Pick Me Up Head & Scalp “Guasha” with Aromatherapy

Espe­cially rec­om­mend for headaches and migraine attacks, low energy and com­mon cold

Tra­di­tional Chi­nese Med­i­cine sees that all the yang merid­i­ans reach to the head, where the brain is the seat of the pri­mor­dial mind. There­fore Guasha (scrap­ing) the head can stim­u­late the nerve func­tions ad relax local ten­sion. We use a spe­cial blend of essen­tial oils to mas­sage the tem­ples, base of skull and hair­line to har­mo­nize and reg­u­late the liver, decrease anx­i­ety and calm the mind.

50min — 420rmb


Cup­ping | “Baguan” with Aromatherapy

Cupping is sim­i­lar to scrub­bing but is more point spe­cific and especially

rec­om­mended for zhao­liang damp­ness in your body

This method stim­u­lates points used in acupunc­ture by apply­ing suc­tion through a glass cup. Cup­ping stim­u­lates the blood cir­cu­la­tion, removes Qi block­ages and restores bal­ance by bring­ing blood to the sur­face. The cups are left on the back for 10–15 min­utes dur­ing a light leg massage.

50min — 420rmb