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  • Create an effective online presence CLASS 01
  • Post author
    Maika Endo

Create an effective online presence CLASS 01

Stress free, mind­ful work­shop in the peace­ful set­ting of Kocoon Spa

Have you ever felt over­whelmed when think­ing about cre­at­ing your online port­fo­lio or blog among the maze of offers and tech­ni­cal terms? Have you been repeat­edly push­ing this task back?

Join us at Kocoon spa, and we will make it easy for you! IF juice smoothie for vit­a­mins, oolong ice tea or cof­fee for the caf­feine addicts, Kocoon’s fruits and nuts gra­nola bar for your brain, AC to cool you down and a healthy and deli­cious light lunch.

Entre­pre­neur and Retro­cap Founder, Tim Qui­jano, will take you step by step, hand in hand through the process of choos­ing a CMS and build­ing your online portfolio.

We will make sure that when you step out of the door, you feel relieved and proud to have your own domain, web­site, beau­ti­fully designed and presented.

Why? Because it’s eas­ier then you think, and we want to help you make it happen.

Pro­gram for Sun­day, August 3rd

10am-12pm: Clar­i­fi­ca­tions

What is CMS?
What CMS can/can’t do?
What is html/css/javascript?
What are the rec­om­mended CMSs? And why?
What we need to look for when we choose a CMS?
Word­press vs. Square­space vs Wee­bly: what do the inter­faces look like
How to choose a domain name?
What is SEO?
How to get a domain name and host­ing?
How to pro­mote your site?

12pm-12:50pm: Lunch break, disco nap or stretch­ing and shoul­der massage

1:50pm-3pm: Web­site cre­ation using a CMS

Per­sonal guid­ance step by step until you’r done!


Intro­duc­tion price: 350 rmb | per­son, all inclu­sive–Lim­ited to 8 seats so secure your spot by pay­ing a deposit of 200rmb at Kocoon spa (both branches), or online by Sign­ing up here

This is an attempt sched­ule which may change and vary (end ear­lier or later) depend­ing on speed of the group

Impor­tant: Bring your lap­top and some prepa­ra­tion work

Loca­tion: Kocoon spa, Taiyue Suites

If you can’t attend on that day but would like to be updated about next events or work­shops of this type, please email us

Spe­cial thanks to our sponsors: 

  • Post author
    Maika Endo