Private Healing Dance at Kocoon Spa

Private Healing Dance Session Available Now
60mins Dance +15mins Reiki Hands-on Healing
Trial Price: CNY 350 Until the end of December
Standard Price: CNY 450 Valid from 1st Jan 2019
Reservation: 137 179 434 06
About Healing Dance:
Healing Dance is a rich and colorful combination of different styles of dancing movements created & channeled by our Reiki Therapist Indi Love from 2012 until now. During the past years, Indi has been practicing this dance and experiencing its divine healing power--be it softening, strengthening, empowering, energizing and transforming.
Indi has heard the inner call to step out and share this soul dance with you, it is her sincere wish that this dance will bring energies of elegance, divinity, beauty, confidence, power, love and light into your life and being, just as how she has experienced and will continue to do.
For the dance part, we will practice:
Drum Dance(Cleansing and Shaking)
Spiral Dance(Energizing and softening)
Touch Dance(Connecting and Caring)
Free Dance(Creativity and Uniqueness)
Power Dance(Release and Empower)
and More......(Sensual, Sacred and Fun)
15mins Hands-on Reiki Healing Treatment—In the end, you will rest in divine Reiki Healing Energy, relaxing, renewing and rejuvenating.
About Indi Love:
Defang Wan, known as Indi Love, is a young rising creative spirit born in China in 1988. Indi is the author of the book “The Twin Flame Lover of China and Denmark”, in which she truthfully shared her life experiences of Spiritual Awakening and her sacred encounter with her Twin Flame. Except her innate passion for writing and reading, Indi also delights in empowering and inspiring people by being a Reiki Master Healer, Ancient Calligraphy Artist and Healing Dance Performer & Teacher.
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Facebook: Kocoonspa
24/7 Online Reservation:
App: Mindbodu