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  • Embodying nature - an intro session
  • Post author
    Maika Endo

Embodying nature - an intro session

My Body is my teacher - Body, Mind, Heart Adventures

Basic Self Care, Increased Self Awareness

Together with Wilson Chik and Dalida Turkovic we will explore our body as our teacher by treating the following points:

- What can we learn from body awareness?
- How do we mirror nature through our bodies?
- Physical exploration: body experiencing – body movement, breath and pulse

WHEN: Tuesday, July 2nd at 7.30pm-9pm. 
Price: 180rmb

For more information at RSVP please call +86 137 179 434 06 or write us an email to

The event is an introduction session leading to one weekend together with Dalida Turkovic and Wilson Chick in Sancha Village. You are invited  for 2 days and 2 nights of dream work, body mapping, exploration of rituals and intentions. Together you  will hike, dance, embrace silence, laugh and dream together.


About Wilson Chik  & Dalida Turkovic

Wilson's experience comes from mystical traditions, Butoh, fitness and integrative well-being, dreams and visual arts. His simple approach to life is to balance the act of doing and being. His movement work has been in international fringe festivals, cross cultural exchanges and sole & choreographed productions.
Wilson lives and works in Hong Kong where he delivers Movement Unfolding workshops that cover: Heart centered movements, Authenticity, Breathing, Mindfulness and body fulness, Butoh, Yoga and tai chi based movements, Creativity etc.


Dal­ida has been work­ing in the field of train­ing, coach­ing and con­sul­tancy since 1995. In all her work, Dal­ida is dri­ven by a pro­found inter­est in what moves and moti­vates peo­ple. Dal­ida is a cer­ti­fied Mas­ter Coach and a mem­ber of Inter­na­tional Coach­ing Coun­cil. She also holds cer­ti­fi­ca­tions in NLP and is EQCoach and EQ Trainer with BA in Chi­nese Lan­guage and Lit­er­a­ture from the Bel­grade Lan­guage University. As a prac­ti­cioner of inter­nal mar­tial arts Dal­ida actively applies the mar­tial arts phi­los­o­phy in her coach­ing and consultancy.


  • Post author
    Maika Endo