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Kocoon spa’s Mission Statement

Kocoon spa’s Mission Statement

Kocoon spa is proud to be the win­ner in both cat­e­gories, “Best Spa” and “Best Hotel Spa” by City­week­end Read­ers! We are so happy and from the bot­tom of our heart, THANK YOU for your love and support.

We will con­tinue to design each treat­ment the way we would wish to receive it: with love, with atten­tion to detail and given in a peace­ful, friendly and clean envi­ron­ment. We con­tinue to try and hand-select every prod­uct we offer you. Expect only pre­mium prod­ucts that are fruit, plant or marine-based. No petro­leum or mineral-derived ingredients!

To increase the sat­is­fac­tion and com­fort of our cus­tomers, we imple­mented some major deci­sions recently:

  1. We have decided to con­sol­i­date all our spa oper­a­tions to our main branch in San­l­i­tun South and opti­mize the space. We will still keep in-room treat­ments for The Oppo­site House hotel guests.
  2. Many of you have expressed the desire to come at later hours, after work or diner: We have extended our busi­ness hours to 9:30pm on Thurs­days. Now, to be pam­pered and relaxed, you no longer need to rush to us!
  3. Buy­ing cos­metic prod­ucts is always a hur­dle in Bei­jing! We have now an online spa store, where you can order your prod­ucts and our Spa Advi­sors will be ready to answer your queries!
  4. You would like to indulge but have a lim­ited bud­get? From now on, we will have a Monthly Spa Pro­mo­tion! Sign up to our free monthly newslet­ter to be the first on the know regard­ing our events, Spa Pro­mo­tions and Spa Pack­ages.

We appre­ci­ate your feed­back and will always try our best to stay the best. Your feed­back and com­ments are wel­come by email, through our Face­book page (Like us!) or through Tri­pad­vi­sor - we will always reply to you!


Much love,


Co– Founder & Wellness-preneur