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  • Belly Dance Fitness with Dailina from France
  • Post author
    Maika Endo

Belly Dance Fitness with Dailina from France

Belly Dance Fitness with Dailina from France

It is said that “belly dance is a fan­tas­tic way to get fit, lose weight, and shape up. It improves coör­di­na­tion, bal­ance, mus­cle tone and posture. ”

All I can say is, I have never thought that I would sweat so much in a belly dance class! You use your legs strength, your abdomen mus­cles, yours arms, your head, everything!

The ses­sion starts with a nice warm up, then learn­ing sev­eral tech­niques and move­ments step by step, before mak­ing it become a whole choreg­ra­phy in music.

Dailina uses an eclec­tic playlist of uplift­ing music and ori­en­tal beats. The music made me travel and was part of the whole experience.

Great work­out, and so fun! Imag­ine sev­eral ladies danc­ing together with their skirts, swing­ing, shak­ing, pop­ping… def­i­nitely makes you feel sexy and very feline.

Classes are 70rmb / ses­sion at East Lake Villa ‘s club­house. On Tues­days, 7-8pm.

1st time trial free for our VIP members!

Call Dailina 136 932 323 47 to book a session!

  • Post author
    Maika Endo