DYI home made lip balm
It is so easy to make your own lip balm ,why buy some low grade products with synthetic ingredients? Â The real luxury is to make your own product and put in everything best. For our lip balm, we used: 1 part beeswax for 1.5 parts sweet almond oil, and 0. 5 part shea butter.
 We use shea butter for an extra moisturizing and nourishing ingredient but if you don't have any you could just use 2 parts sweet almond oil.
If you like a softer finish, use 3 parts of oil, but I personally find it a bit too oily. Melt everything in a double boiler, make sure all the beeswax has dissolved in the oil. Turn of the heat, then add a few drops of essential oils. I would use 15-20 drops for this quantity of ingredients. The blend will start to harden fast, thus pour it immediately and as fast as you can in the little containers. For this step, I use a Gongdaobei for tea.
 Let it sit in a cool and dry place, and within 30 minutes it should be fine, reaching its final texture and color!Â