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Gyrotonics: A cure to the hazards of sitting

Certified instructor: Jireh Li
April 16@Kocoon spa
150 rmb | person
Spe­cial Perk: Participants are entitled to a private class with Jireh for the promotional price of 280 rmb / 75 min session. Original price: 600 rmb

Feeling bogged down by the Beijing air? Annoyed by that constant neck ache? In 60 minutes, learn how to awaken your inner energies to regain freedom in your body. Through simple exercises, Jireh will show you how to open up your shoulders, loosen tight joints, and find your ideal sitting and standing posture. You will leave feeling rejuvenated with a new confidence in each step you take.

at Kocoon Spa's new branch in Sanlitun South.

Please email us if you would like to be reminded or sign up at

What to wear: Comfortable exercises clothes, no jeans, no dresses. Bring a small towel or gardening gloves and a pair of socks.
Who can come: Men and women, old and young!

About BodyChromatics

In essence, we use movement to help improve your quality of life. We choose to do it through Gyrotonic exercises because of its effectiveness - both immediately after class, and longer-term for holistic health. A session usually starts with gentle spinal movements followed by legwork. Exercises are done under the guidance of the teacher, as well as with the help of the Gyrotonic machine. The machine is fully adjustable for height, strength and ability, making it both safe and possible for even the most inflexible person to stretch out and workout. Each client's goals are discussed right from the start, because Jireh tailors every exercise to her client's specific needs. To learn more, please visit

About Jireh:

Miss Jireh Li is a Cer­ti­fied GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® Instruc­tor and taught exten­sively in New York before mov­ing her prac­tice to Bei­jing. She has completed all Core Certifications with the GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® International Headquarters. She trained exten­sively with inter­na­tion­ally renowned Autho­rized Mas­ters Train­ers Sebas­t­ian Plet­ten­berg (GYROTONIC® Man­hat­tan) and Erika Has­san in New York, Miami and Tokyo, as well as completed train­ings in Hong Kong and Jakarta.
A Hong Kong native, she dis­cov­ered Gyro­tonic while work­ing as an invest­ment banker. Strug­gling with headaches, back and shoul­der pains at the com­puter all the time, she prac­tised Gyro­tonic twice a week. When it only took 3 months to undo the pain and spinal dam­age (sco­l­io­sis) she lived with for 20 years, she real­ized that Gyrotonic’s holis­tic approach to health was very dif­fer­ent from other exer­cises she tried, and found it a very effec­tive and effi­cient method to rebal­ance, keep fit and stay strong in an enjoy­able and effort­less way.