We loved it: Balance Bodywork by Regine Rosenthal
BalÂance Bodywork
BalÂance BodyÂwork is origÂiÂnated from the traÂdiÂtional Indian healÂing sysÂtem Ayurveda. This BodyÂwork is based on deep tisÂsue masÂsage techÂnique to release energy blocks in the body and to allow life energy to flow freely and balÂanced again.
Over time unreÂvealed emoÂtions and thoughts manÂiÂfest in the body. MusÂcles will get hard, joints stiff and energy canÂnot flow freely anyÂmore. We will start to feel emoÂtionÂally unbalÂanced, stressed and not in tune anymore.
BalÂance BodyÂwork helps to release tenÂsion in body and mind, to get in touch with your body and to deepen your body consciousness.
BalÂance BodyÂwork SesÂsion with sesame oil | 90min | Â 650Â RMBÂ
Regina RosenÂthal
Born 1972 in GerÂmany. EduÂcated as MBA EconÂoÂmist she worked in varÂiÂous coöperÂate offices in difÂferÂent counÂtries. MovÂing to India in 2005 her interÂest in workÂing on a deeper level with peoÂple develÂoped and she started the trainÂing of BalÂance BodyÂwork TherÂapy in Pune. Since 2012 she is livÂing in BeiÂjing and curiÂous to introÂduce this work in China.
Email: reginarosenthal0@gmail.com
Phone: +86 133 3118Â 9861
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