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Join us in Kocoon’s inti­mate set­ting, for an evening of reiki and meditation

Join us in Kocoon’s inti­mate set­ting, for an evening of reiki and meditation

Reiki is a way to active the body’s nat­ural abil­ity to heal itself. Reiki works along the same prin­ci­ples as qigong, acupunc­ture and other Asian heal­ing tech­niques.  Treat­ments work to remove block­ages and release tox­ins.

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We loved it: Balance Bodywork by Regine Rosenthal

Bal­ance Bodywork

Bal­ance Body­work is orig­i­nated from the tra­di­tional Indian heal­ing sys­tem Ayurveda. This Body­work is based on deep tis­sue mas­sage tech­nique to release energy blocks in the body and to allow life energy to flow freely and bal­anced again.

Over time unre­vealed emo­tions and thoughts man­i­fest in the body. Mus­cles will get hard, joints stiff and energy can­not flow freely any­more. We will start to feel emo­tion­ally unbal­anced, stressed and not in tune anymore.

Bal­ance Body­work helps to release ten­sion in body and mind, to get in touch with your body and to deepen your body consciousness.

Bal­ance Body­work Ses­sion with sesame oil | 90min |  650 RMB 

Regina Rosen­thal

Born 1972 in Ger­many. Edu­cated as MBA Econ­o­mist she worked in var­i­ous coöper­ate offices in dif­fer­ent coun­tries. Mov­ing to India in 2005 her inter­est in work­ing on a deeper level with peo­ple devel­oped and she started the train­ing of Bal­ance Body­work Ther­apy in Pune. Since 2012 she is liv­ing in Bei­jing and curi­ous to intro­duce this work in China.



Phone: +86 133 3118 9861

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