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Gyrotonics: Finally, A Cure to the Hazards of Sitting

Did you know that when you sit for 8 hours a day in front of the computer, you are prone to sore shoulders, leg disorders, neck strain, bad back, organ and disk damage? It can even slow your brain! GYROTONIC® exercises can solve this for you. In 60 minutes, learn how to find your ideal sitting posture, undo tight joints, and build a stronger spine. You will leave with a newfound joy of a pain-free and happy body. 

 When: April 16, 19:30-21:00 @ Kocoon Spa

Par­tic­i­pa­tion: 150 rmb/per­son. Cash pay­ment only.

What to wear: Com­fort­able exer­cise clothes.

Who’s invited: Men & women, old & young!


Participants are entitled to a private with Jireh for RMB 280 (original price RMB 600/session). This includes a free assessment and a 75 minutes session on the Gyro­tonic machine.

i is a Certified GYROTONIC®, GYROKINESIS® and Jumping Stretch Board Instructor. She taught extensively in New York before moving her practice to Beijing. She completed all levels of Certification and trained extensively with internationally renowned Authorized Master Trainers Sebastian Plettenberg, Erika Hassan and Billy Macagnone in New York, Miami, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Jakarta.
She devoted to practicing Gyro­tonic when it undid her scoliosis within 3 months, and cured her chronic backaches, shoulder and neck pain. She looks forward to sharing her simple secret of having a pain-free and fit body.
About BodyChromatics
We use move­ment to help improve your qual­ity of life. Whether you are looking to do away with back pain (freedom!), relax but tone (bliss!), exercise intensely (sweat!), or fix old injuries (heal!), Gyrotonic is an effective and enjoyable way for all ages to achieve holis­tic health and harmony. A ses­sion usually starts with gen­tle spinal move­ments fol­lowed by leg­work, done under the teacher’s guid­ance. The machine is fully adjustable for height, strength and abil­ity, mak­ing it safe and pos­si­ble for even inflex­i­ble people to stretch and work­out. Each client’s goals are dis­cussed right from the start, because Jireh tai­lors every exer­cise to her client’s spe­cific needs.